The TDA 2002 is a class B audio power amplifier in Pentawatt® package designed for driving low impedance loads (down to 1.60 ohm). The device provides a high output current capability (up to 3.5A), very low harmonic and cross-over distortion.

Vs, Peak supply voltage (50 ms) : 40V

Vs, DC supply voltage : 28V

Vs, Operating supply voltage : 18V

IO,  Output peak current (repetitive) : 3.5A

IO,  Output peak current (non repetitive) : 4.5A

Ptot, Power dissipation at T case = 90°C :15W

T stg, Tj , Storage and junction temperature : -40 to 150 °C

Question & Answer

Total 6 questions

Q: not vol reg ..... it's an audio amp ie speaker driver ! Questioned by suntop, 27-Oct-2016

Q: This is an audio amplifier ic! Questioned by Shayon02, 29-Oct-2016

Q: thik bolsen Questioned by tusharkumarplabon, 30-Nov-2016

Q: i think ur price is a little high... they are worth less than 20tk at local shops. i bought about 6 of them. Questioned by shahnewaz, 15-Apr-2017

Q: আপনাদের কাছে কি D2030A অ্যামপ্লিফ্যায়ার আইসিটি আছে? থাকলে দাম কত? আর এটির পরিবর্তে কি TDA2030A আইসিটি ব্যবহার করা যাবে????? আমার কামাসনিক এর 40W এর স্পিকার। Questioned by jswadhin, 04-Nov-2018

আমাদের নাই। এটা ব্যবহার করা যাবে। বিস্তারিত এইখানে দেখুনঃ Answered by A.R, 05-Nov-2018 09:17 AM

Q: Order no #166200, ordered 2 of these amp ic, received unl 2003 driver ic. Can you send replacement? Please don't ask me to come to your office, I am sick and there is no one else whom I can send. Questioned by suntop, 20-Jun-2019

The customer care guy is getting your number off. If we want to send someone, we must talk to you first. So please switch on the phone or talk to the customer care representative on 09678110110 so that he can take initiative to send someone to your address and give the replacement. May Allah cure you soon. Answered by A.R, 22-Jun-2019 09:58 AM

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