
Soundtech Multimeter DT838

Model No: TOL-00001

TK. 620.08

Availability: In stock


Category: Measurement

Supplier: Made in China

Don't know how to use multimeter? Check this step-by-step tutorial.



Low cost, pocket size ideal for hobby & DIY users
3 1/2digits LCD with a maximum reading of 1999
Diode test
Low battery indication
overload protection
Single rotary switch operation

Note : 
The battery is not included with the product. 

Click on the link below to purchase the battery.

Battery 9V
Rechargeable Battery 9V

DCV: 0-200M±0.25%-2-20-200-1kV±0.5%
ACV: 0-200V-600V±1.2%
DCA: 0-200u-2m-20m±1.0%-200mA±1.2%-10A±2.0%
R: 0-200-2k-20k-200k±0.8%-2Mohm±1.0%
Temperature Test:   -20°C- 1370°C±3.0%
Diode: Open Circuit 2.8V/0.8mA
Transistor Check: Hfe

Buzzer: Continuity check under 50 ohms

Battery: 9V

Size: (inches) 2.85X5.0X0.9

Weight: (Lbs) 0.75

Question & Answer

Total 5 questions

Q: I need a slim multimeter like UNI-10T. If you have any ,I will buy it. Questioned by raselnh2, 27-Jan-2013

Can you provide a link or picture about the product? Answered by Fahad, 30-Jan-2013 14:01 PM

Q: I have UNI-T UT10A, but cant measure current Questioned by towfiq.eee, 28-Feb-2013

Q: এই মালটিমিটার এর দাম বেশি হলে ৪০০ টাকা । ৬৮৬ টাকা কি বেশি হল না? Questioned by emroze97, 11-Jan-2014

Q: Is it better than the multimeter in basic kit? Questioned by tokitazwar, 15-Jan-2014

Q: multimeter ta valo,ami use koresi but local market a to ai multimeter 200tk. apnara to 3 gun beshi dam rakhsen. Questioned by rizvi007, 20-Jul-2017

দুঃখিত ভাই, আমাদের কেনা দামও আপনি যা বললেন তারচেয়ে বেশি। আমরা অবশ্যই এর কারন খতিয়ে দেখব। ধন্যবাদ। Answered by A.R, 22-Jul-2017 10:09 AM

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